Commodity Contracts Sample Clauses

Commodity Contracts. Such Grantor shall not have any commodity contract unless subject to a Control Agreement.

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Commodity Contracts. (F) Deposit Accounts, including all cash and other property from time to time deposited therein and the monies and property in the possession or under the control of the Secured Party or any affiliate, representative, agent, designee or correspondent of the Secured Party; (G) Documents; (H) Equipment; (I) Farm Products; (J) Fixtures; (K) General Intangibles (including all Payment Intangibles); (L) Goods, and all accessions thereto and goods with which the Goods are commingled; (M) Health-Care Insurance Receivables; (N) Instruments; (O) Inventory, including raw materials, work-in-process and finished goods; (P) Investment Property; (Q) Letter-of-Credit Rights; (R) Promissory Notes; (S) Software; (T) all Supporting Obligations; (U) all commercial tort claims hereafter arising; (V) all other tangible and intangible personal property of the Company (whether or not subject to the Code), including, all bank and other accounts and all cash and all investments therein, all proceeds, products, offspring, accessions, rents, profits, income, benefits, substitutions and replacements of and to any of the property of the Company described within the definition of Collateral (including, any proceeds of insurance thereon and all causes of action, claims and warranties now or hereafter held by the Company in respect of any of the items listed within the definition of Collateral), and all books, correspondence, files and other Records, including, all tapes, desks, cards, Software, data and computer programs in the possession or under the control of the Company or any other Person from time to time acting for the Company, in each case, to the extent of the Company’s rights therein, that at any time evidence or contain information relating to any of the property described or listed within the definition of Collateral or which are otherwise necessary or helpful in the collection or realization thereof; (W) all real property interests of the Company and the interest of the Company in fixtures related to such real property interests; and (X) Proceeds, including all Cash Proceeds and Noncash Proceeds, and products of any or all of the foregoing, in each case howsoever the Company’s interest therein may arise or appear (whether by ownership, security interest, claim or otherwise).