File a Complaint

Call Us

(208) 334-2873

Initial inquiries are treated confidentially. Tell us what happened and when and why you feel you were treated differently. We may be able to suggest ways you can resolve the situation yourself, we may make an informal contact, or you may decide to file a charge of discrimination.

Do I Need An Attorney To File A Charge Or If A Charge Is Filed Against Me?

No, you do not need an attorney; however, you may hire an attorney to represent you if you wish.

What Is The Administrative Process?

Idaho law requires that an administrative complaint be filed with the IHRC before a discrimination lawsuit can be filed. An administrative complaint may be drafted by an individual, by a lawyer or by a commission staff member based on information provided by an individual.

What Does The IHRC Do With A Complaint?

A complaint is served immediately upon the organization, so they have an opportunity to know exactly what accusations are being made and to explain their side of the story. The IHRC’s job is to conduct a neutral fact-finding investigation, asking for information and evidence from both parties. The evidence is summarized and submitted to commissioners (appointed by the governor) who decide the merits of the case. Legal issues are resolved with guidance from a deputy attorney general assigned to the IHRC.

Will The Press Find Out About An Administrative Charge?

Not from the IHRC. Our staff will talk to third parties about the charge only as necessary to conduct an investigation or otherwise process the case. The IHRC encourages the parties to also keep the complaint confidential. Cases are very difficult to resolve and/or investigate when the matter is being discussed in a public forum or with outside groups.


To complete and submit an intake questionnaire to the staff at the Commission.