Washington Age of Consent

In Washington, the age of consent for participation in sexual activity is 16 years old. Children under the age of 16 cannot give legal consent to sexual activity. Even if they appear to agree to have sex, by law, they cannot give consent. Once an individual reaches the age of 16, they can legally consent to sexual activity with a peer or an adult who is 18 or older. There are several exceptions to this rule, discussed below.

Washington’s age of consent laws are pertinent to both heterosexual and homosexual activity.

According to Washington law, “consent” means that at the time of sexual intercourse or sexual contact, actual words or conduct indicate a freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact.

  1. What Are the Exceptions to the Age of Consent Rule in Washington?
  2. What Is the “Close in Age” Exemption?
  3. What Are Washington’s Penalties for Violating the Age of Consent?
  4. Should I Consult an Attorney If I Violated the Age of Consent in Washington State?

What Are the Exceptions to the Age of Consent Rule in Washington?

There are several exceptions where 16-year-olds cannot consent to sexual activity. These are as follows: