
URACCertified AFMC CC 03132023

ConnectCare is an Arkansas Medicaid program that assists Medic­aid and ARKids First families in setting up a medical home by helping them find a doctor/primary care provider (PCP) and dental care.

View the interactive list of doctors in each county who see Medicaid patients. AFMC makes every effort to provide the most current information. PCPs change locations, and this may not be reflected in the city and county listed.

ConnectCare Helpline

If you have Medicaid or ARKids First, the helpline can help you find a doctor/PCP. We can also help you change doctors/PCPs.

You can get help with any of the following:

Call the ConnectCare Helpline:
Toll-free 1-800-275-1131
(TDD: 1-800-285-1131)
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday

Donated Dental services

Need help with dental care? Visit Dental Lifeline for more information on donated dental services.

Spanish bilingual services available
Servicios bilingües de español estάn disponibles

Web Resources

Downloadable Resources

ConnectCare Outreach

Interested in receiving our newsletter? It’s EASY! Just sign-up below!

The ConnectCare outreach program promotes ConnectCare services by attending statewide community and school events, providing brochures and materials at events and publishing a newsletter three times per year. ConnectCare newsletters and brochures are available on the ConnectCare website.