[1] Title IV of the Social Security Act is administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. The Office of Family Assistance administers benefit payments under Title IV, Parts A and C. The Administration for Public Services, Office of Human Development Services, administers social services under Title IV, Parts B and E. The Office of Child Support Enforcement administers the child support program under Title IV, Part D.

Title IV appears in the United States Code as §§601–687, subchapter IV, chapter 7, Title 42.

Regulations of the Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to Title IV are contained in chapters II, III, and XIII, Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations. Regulations of the Secretary of Labor relating to Title IV are contained in subtitle A, Title 29, and chapter 29, Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations.

See Vol. II, 31 U.S.C. 3720 and 3720A, with respect to collection of payments due to Federal agencies; 6504–6505, with respect to intergovernmental cooperation; 7501–7507, with respect to uniform audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance.

See Vol. II, P.L. 82-183, §618, which prohibits denial of grants-in-aid under certain conditions.

See Vol. II, P.L. 88-352, §601, for prohibition against discrimination in federally assisted programs.

See Vol. II, P.L. 89-73, §213, with respect to eligibility for Federal surplus property.

See Vol. II, P.L. 89-97, §121(b), with respect to restrictions on payment to a State receiving payments under Title XIX.

See Vol. II, Appendix I, P.L. 94-241, §1, for §502(a)(1) of H.J. Res. 549, with respect to participation by the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands on the same basis as Guam.

See Vol. II, P.L. 100-204, §724(d), with respect to furnishing information to the United States Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations; and §725(b), with respect to the detailing of Government personnel.

See Vol. II, P.L. 100-235, §§5–8, with respect to responsibilities of each Federal agency for computer systems security and privacy.

See Vol. II, P.L. 100-690, §5301(a)(1)(C) and (d)(1)(B), with respect to benefits of drug traffickers and possessors.

See Vol. II, P.L. 101-508, §§13301 and 13302, with respect to the OASDI Trust Funds.

See Vol. II, P.L. 115–271, §8081, with respect to funding under Title IV and Medicaid for family-focused residential treatment programs for substance use disorder.

[2] This table of contents does not appear in the law.